Sunday, December 10, 2006

Who is Marie Rose Ferron- Stigmatist of Woonsocket, RI., USA.?

Marie Rose Ferron with Crown of Thorns shows slight pixels 100_0356"Little Marie Rose Ferron" (24 May 1902 born in a stable- 11 May 1936, Age: 33 years like her Jesus), (Canadian born but brought up in the U.S.A.), Stigmatic & Mystic of Woonsocket, Rhode Island, U.S.A..
Sr. of Precious Blood,
Foundress of Sisters of Reparation of Sacred Wounds of Jesus- 08 Dec 1928,
Sr. of 3rd Order of St. Francis- 28 May 1929.

MARIE ROSE ALMA FERRON was born in a stable like her Jesus on 24 May 1902 in St. Germain-De-Grantham, P.Q., Canada, to Jean Baptiste and Rose Delima (Mathieu) Ferron. Her mother a deeply devout Catholic had secretely dedicated each of her children to each of the mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary of the Virgin Mary, starting with her first child. Little Rose was the 10th child, dedicated secretely to the 10th mystery- Christs passion & Crucifiction. Little Rose, as she would become known as, would become one out of 150 Stigmatics of the world who bore Jesus's precious wounds and one out of 30 who bore all 5 of his precious wounds and the statistics are even less when you consider that she united even more with her Jesus and suffered even more than most all of the stigmatics known!